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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Rockets Away! 

Exploring the Science of Forces and Motion

Rockets Away CurriculumRockets Away Teacher Guide

Recommended for teachers and other group leaders, this popular favorite is now up-to-date and more effective than ever at teaching the concepts of forces and motion via rocketry. The project's exciting conclusion is building and launching 2-liter bottle water rockets. A Rockets Away Student Logbook is required for each student. A bottle-rocket launcher is available from the OSU Extension, Hamilton County office.

Rockets Away! Informational Flyer With Crosswalk to Ohio Science Standards
Rockets Away! Lessons at a Glance Crosswalk to National Science Standards
Rockets Away! Presentation (ppt)


  • 2-Liter Bottle Launcher
  • Bike Pump

Online Rocket Simulation