Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
When are classes offered?
Participants or agencies can organize their own classes with clients, family members and friends.
OSU EFNEP provides the workshops, educational enhancements, materials, and food tastings.
Who qualifies to be a participant?
Adults: Anyone who is responsible for the care of children qualifies for this nutrition program,
such as grandparents, day care providers, parents, or other extended family member that meet the
income guidelines of up to 185% of Federal Poverty Guidelines
Young Adults: Individuals with no children who are between the ages of 18 and 26 years and meet the
income guidelines are eligible for EFNEP classes.
Youth: Youth living in a school district with 50% or more free and reduced lunch status qualify for
EFNEP. Potential partners include schools, afterschool, Summer Food sites, camps, churches, and
youth groups.
What are the income requirements for participants?
Any family with an income of 185% of the 2023 annual poverty level as shown in the table below is
eligible for EFNEP’s free nutrition program:
Family Size
1 (expecting parent)
185% of poverty level annually
185% of poverty level monthly
For more information: https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines
For more information contact:
Amy Habig, MPH, RDN, LD EFNEP Program Specialist
Serving Hamilton, Butler, Jackson, & Lawrence Counties habig.13@osu.edu
CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory
basis. For more information, visit go.osu.edu/cfaesdiversity. For an accessible format of this
publication, visit cfaes.osu.edu/accessibility.