They are fluffy, they are cute, and they are part of the food system.
If you have never hatched an egg, it is not a terribly difficult process if you have the right equipment.
One dozen fertilized eggs (not the eggs from the grocery store) are placed in a 100° incubator for 21 days. Around the 21st day the small chicks make their first pip and find their way out of the shell.
After a few days in the school with their temporary parents, chicks are donated to 4-H families in the region.
ChickQuest is an outreach program provided by OSU Extension, Hamilton County. Through the generous support of the Hamilton County Commissioners, OSU Extension, Hamilton County 4-H Youth Development can serve youth across the county through community clubs, special interest clubs, school-based programming, and camps.
To get involved with Hamilton County 4-H visit: or call 513-824-3277.